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Welcome to Llwyncrwn Primary School

Key Stage Two


Grammar : Word Types

Grammar : Sentences

Different types of words can be used to make your writing more interesting and easier to read. You need to know when to use them and how to spot them.

Grammar : Sentences

Grammar : Sentences

In writing, words are grouped together into phrases, sentences, clauses and paragraphs. Linking these building blocks together in the right way makes your writing easy to understand and interesting to read.


Writing : Comment

Writing : Comment

Use your commenting skills to identify what's wrong with these pieces of writing.


Reading : Non-fiction

Reading : Non-fiction

When you are writing non-fiction it's important to use a style of writing that fits the subject.Use your knowledge of non-fiction writing to group the correct titles, text and pictures together.


Spellings Checker

Spellings Checker

The Look, Say, Cover, Write & Check is a support tool for learning spellings using a trusted multi-sensory approach. It can support pupils in their independent learning of spellings.

LCSWC lesson outline  


Spelling Rule Tester

Spelling Rule Tester

This activity helps prove the rules of changing nouns from singular to plural.

Input your own singular nouns and see the plural, or type in both and check that the plural is correct.


Word Selector

Word Selector

This is an activity targeted to Year 4 to help with medium frequency words. There are three lists, one for each term. 


Alien Hangman

Alien Hangman

An updated version of the traditional word guess game. See if you can save the alien!


Word Dice

Word Dice

Use either one or two dice add your own words to the faces and roll them!


Instruction Sequencer

Instruction Sequencer

This sequencing and instruction writing activity can be used to support the teaching of instructional text and develop pupils' ability to sequence key events in instructions.

tea instructions lesson outline  


Story Sequencer

Story Sequencer

This sequencing and storyboarding activity can be used to support the teaching of story structure and develop pupils' ability to summarise key events in stories.

sequence lesson outline  


Verb Links

Verb Links

This word sorting application is a simple to use grammar exercise. The blue words are simply dragged to their correct place on the table headed by the root word. When all words have been placed, the user clicks on the check button to get feedback on their selection.

Word-Links-lesson-outline  Word-Cards


Sticky Letters

Sticky Letters

Sticky Letters is a simple to use application. It can support open ended work as pupils explore the different words that can be made from a given set.



Seaside Postcard

Seaside Postcard

A humurous seaside writing activity. By annotating the scene dialogue can be explored and characteristics shown through thought bubbles.

Characters lesson outline  


Street Scene Labels

Street Scene Labels

This simple annotation activity can be used to develop the idea of developing a setting in stories, using everyday scenes that are familiar to children. By annotating the scene dialogue can be explored and characteristics shown through thought bubbles.

Settings lesson outline  


Matching Pairs

Matching Pairs

Try to match pairs of farmyard animals. Record your best scores.


More Sticky Letters

More Sticky Letters

Use the sticky letters to make words and save them to the word bank. See how many words can be made from a chosen set of letters.


Compound Words

Compound Words

This compound words matching application is a simple to use word level exercise. The coloured words are simply dragged to their correct place on the grey label to form a single closed compound word with the existing word on the label. 

Compound words lesson outline  compound-words


Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns

This collective nouns matching application is a simple to use word level exercise. The collective noun words are simply dragged to their matching partner on the blue picture cards.  

Collective nouns lesson outline  collective-nouns


Alphabetical Order 2

Alphabetical Order 2

This Alphabetical order activity is a simple to use word ordering exercise. Words are simply dragged from the left hand side of the screen to their correct place in the word order list on the right hand side. 

Alphabetical order lesson outline  
